Biometrix technology Inc. now launched BMT HPV 9G DNA kit, a more versatile DNA test. BMT HPV 9G DNA kit has obtained approval of specification and test methods on January 2O10 from Korean Food & Drug Administration (KFDA), and has received CE Marking certification and lSO 13485 on November 2OO9.
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DNA chip, BMT, 9G DNA, TB test, DNA membrane, DNA test, DNA array, STD test


DNA Chips & Membrane KIT


          Biometrix Technology Inc is a biochip comapny
          that specializes in making oligonucleotide
          DNAChips and Genotyping kits ..

          We developing and share the 9G methods and
          its products for early detection of various
          cancers and viral or bacterial infections..

          BMT provides OligoDNA chips for DNA-Directed
          Immobilization method on OEM / ODM DNA chips
          for detection of HPV, TB, STD, HLA, AIV..
Genotyping DNA chip, Protein chip, HPV DNA kit, MTB/NTM DNA kit, HBV Drug Resistant, MTB Drug Resistant   Genotyping DNA chip, Protein chip, HPV DNA kit, MTB/NTM DNA kit, HBV Drug Resistant, MTB Drug Resistant   Genotyping DNA chip, Protein chip, HPV DNA kit, MTB/NTM DNA kit, HBV Drug Resistant, MTB Drug Resistant
BMT Product1   BMT Product2   Technology-Applications
BMT HPV 9G DNA KIT¢â   BMT HPV Genotyping 9G
Membrane KIT¢â
  HPV Genotyping / MTB/NTM
Biometrix Technology Inc.
#2-2 Bio Venture Plaza 56, Soyanggang-ro Chuncheon city Gangwon provin 24232 Korea R/N : 502-81-54689 (170111-0182014) / Ceo : Taisun Kim
Customer Center : Tel +82-33-258-6098 Fax +82-33-258-6099 / E-mail : Technical Support - , Order&Inquiry -
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